Hair & Beauty Magazine

The End of Our Nursing Journey

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic

The End of Our Nursing Journey
My original breastfeeding goal was 6 months. 3 or 4 months in I loved breastfeeding and decided I would likely nurse at least a  year. As the months continued I intended to make it to at least 14 months, weaning before my 30th birthday in January. 
At around 8 months my pump output started to decline, so I had to increase my number of pumping sessions to keep up with what she needed during the day at daycare. Although my pump output went down, when she nursed directly from me she was satisfied. 
Around 9 months my pump output became so low that we had to begin supplementing with formula at daycare pretty regularly, usually one bottle a day.  At this point she was still satisfied nursing directly. 
By 10.5 months my pump output was so low that I no longer wanted to take the time to do it for just a few ounces. I was still nursing her mornings, nights, and weekends. Because breastfeeding is completely a game of supply and demand, I knew that no longer pumping would decrease demand, and therefore further decrease my supply. 
At about 11.5 months, one week ago, she was no longer satisfied from nursing sessions, and I knew our nursing journey was coming to an end. It was time to wean.
Weaning was extremely easy. She has been off bottles for months and already taking sippy cups. Because she's been having formula at daycare already she had no problem continuing. She's also begun transitioning to almond milk which will be our milk of choice once she's one. She eats table food regularly so her milk intake in general is decreasing in favor of more solids. On my end I didn't get engorged or have any pain, I didn't even leak! My supply waned very easily, thankfully. 
Emotionally I was sad for a few days. I really enjoyed breastfeeding, and I had hoped to make it a few more months. Initially I felt like a failure for not making it as long as I wanted to, but then I had to congratulate myself for making it as far as I did. The commitment to breastfeeding is not always easy, and I made it 11 months. I'm proud of me. 
The End of Our Nursing Journey

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