Society Magazine

"The Clearest Sign That Something Special is Going on Here"

Posted on the 01 September 2014 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

“And isn’t the whole point of things—beautiful things—that they connect you to some larger beauty?” — Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch

Ever wondered why some Catholic ladies wear the chapel veil?  Wonder no more:

I have special respect for those who are, in this culture, radical enough to wear the veil and now, after seeing VeiledLadiesthis, I'll have all the more respect.  

I was especially moved by the young man saying that wearing the veil is about "not hiding your beauty but revealing your dignity and your beauty is being expressed in a different way."

I think the young lady nails things when she said, "Any woman, despite what she's wearing, is beautiful, by wearing the veil, it enhances your femininity.  You're recognizing your beauty but you're recognizing it in such a way that you know that God is on the altar and that He is far more beautiful than you are."

I'm of the firm belief that we so very badly need to be connected to a larger beauty.  I love the fact that for some ladies, and for men who see those ladies and understand what they're doing, the chapel veil makes that connection.

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