Books Magazine

The Classics Club 50 Question Survey

By Curlygeek04 @curlygeek04

classicsclubLast November, the Classics Club posted a survey with 50 questions.  I didn’t want to post 50 questions all at once, so I thought I might take them ten at a time. I’ve been slacking on the classics lately but meaning to dive back in.

1) Share a link to your club list:

2) When did you join The Classics Club? How many titles have you read for the club?

I joined in June, 2012, so now it’s been about 3 years, and I’ve read 23 but only reviewed 20.

3) What are you currently reading?

The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James

4) What did you just finish reading and what did you think of it?

The last classic I read was Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. I’m not sure it’s my favorite Hardy novel, but it’s got a strong heroine and a great love story.

5) What are you reading next? Why?

Next on my list is The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien. I’ve heard great things about this book, and I’m terrible about reading war-related fiction.

6) Best book you’ve read so far with the club, and why?

I loved North and South and The Good Earth, but I think I would say East of Eden was the best so far. The book had so many layers, and so much to say.

7) Book you most anticipate (or, anticipated) on your club list?

I put re-reads of To Kill a Mockingbird and The House of the Spirits on my list, and I can’t wait to reread those. It’s been a long time and I’m interested to see how these books will be different.  Isabel Allende might not technically be a classic author but this one’s a classic to me.

8) Book on your club list you’ve been avoiding, if any? Why?

Probably Light in August by William Faulkner. I’ve always been intimidated by him. I have the book sitting on my shelf and it just stares at me.  Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham is another one. Unfortunately, my list gets tougher and tougher as I cross off the easier reads.

9) First classic you ever read?

That’s a tough one since I read a lot of children’s classics when I was young. The Wizard of Oz books were my favorites.  Going with adult classics, Gone with the Wind is the first one that comes to mind.

10) Toughest classic you ever read?

War and Peace was a tough read at times, with all the history and battle description, and so many characters. When I was in high school the book that intimidated me the most was The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. Also everything by James Joyce.

That’s questions 1-10 of the survey.  The questions get harder as you go down the list.  Please comment, or join in and post your own survey.  And happy third anniversary to the Classics Club!  It’s really gotten me to read books I wouldn’t have gotten to otherwise.

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