Home Improvement Magazine

The Blue Collar Opinion on the Answers to Gun Violence

By Bluecollarworkman @TB_BlueCollar

I was going to start this off by listing the school shootings that have happened. I went to wikipedia to make sure I was spelling stuff right and dudes, it’s worse than we thought. We don’t see a miniscule bit on the news of all the school shootings that happen! It’s not just Sandy Hook, Columbine, and Virginia Tech, oh no dudes, it’s a lot. A lot.

In a post last week I said what one of my daughter’s schools is doing to protect the students, and I wanted to take a sec and say what I think about the answers that different people have come up with.


Lock ‘em down and no one gets in

1. Lock down schools — Man, I’m on board with this. Lock all the doors so no crazy as$holes can get in. Can’t get in to a school, can’t do a school shooting. Sure, some kid could leave a door propped open or something and ruin the whole idea. But dudes, this is one thing schools can do that’s cheap and easy. Lock the doors. No one in unless they go through the front door. And what’s waiting at the front door?

2. A Guard For Every School — Off-duty cops, young vets…dude, get ‘em in there. An off-duty cop with a handgun might be able to stop an armed as$hole. And maybe not. But it’s a deterrent either way, right dudes? An armed as$hole is going to know at least one person at every school is armed and waiting.

3. No More Gun Sales/Stricter Gun Laws — This is a dumb idea. Because here’s what happens. Sane and cool people like you and me will turn in our guns (for a ban), or follow the new strict rules (for stricter gun laws), and guess what? Armed as$hole still has his gun. He’s not going to turn it in, no way. And if an as$hole wants to become an armed as$hole, he’ll just get the guns he wants on the black market. Taking away our guns or making stricter laws on them only stops sane, cool people from defending themselves; it doesn’t stop as$holes from getting armed.

What do you dudes think?

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