Lifestyle Magazine

The Best Six-Pack Diet Program for Men

By Menscience

A set of flat abs attractive all year round – not just during summer. Aside from the aesthetic value, there’s another reason you want strong abs:  your abdominal muscles are what support the core of your body. Strong abdominal muscles are important for good posture and help prevent back pain or serious injury.

Although ab exercises are important for building strong abs, they aren’t the only thing you should focus on. There are other factors at play for getting that coveted six-pack. A head-turning set of abs requires two steps: losing weight and gaining muscle. We’ll help you do both.

Consume Fewer Calories Than You Burn

If you want distinctly defined abdominal muscles, the only way they are going to be visible is if you have low body fat. Depending on your lifestyle and eating habits, that may mean cutting back on trips to your favorite fast food restaurant, getting off the couch and doing something active, or maybe deciding you’d rather have a to-die-for abdominal six-pack than that extra six-pack of beer.

Choose healthier foods and beverages. Try to keep the food you eat as natural as possible. Choose lean proteins over greasy burgers. Choose fresh fruit over ice cream. Get your recommended eight glasses of water in each day instead of sodas or alcoholic beverages. There are plenty of ways you can improve your diet. Click here to find out how to turn your diet inside out.

Get Your Groove On With Aerobic Exercise

If you have any belly fat at all, you will need to add cardiovascular exercises to your daily routine. A minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least five days a week is recommended. Don’t limit yourself: running, walking fast on the treadmill, swimming – do anything that gets you sweating and gets your heart rate up. For some workout ideas, check out this article.

If you want a little more structure in your workout routine, check out MenScience Boot Camp. This 6-week program revamps your diet and exercise routine for maximum results. Ready to transform your body? Start the program today.

Although genetics will ultimately determine what your abs look like, the above steps will help bring about better definition so you can start turning heads.

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