Lifestyle Magazine

The Beginning!

By Nightskyarts @nightskyarts
   All right and here We go. Hello everyone! How do you feel? Well I'm feeling great and I indend to transfer all of this positive energy to you or at lease try, in anycase I'll do my best.
   So I just though everyone nova days got a blog and a funpage tweet tweet and I mean a lot of stuff is based on social media and I do believe I got a piece of talent to deliver that. Note the name of our first post is "The beginning" I mean how epic is that? I know I know it's hard to live up to that but again I'm gonna do my best.
   What is this blog about? You gonna ask me well mostly about all that I/We know about photography that includes taking and editing promoting and even ruining it yeah I know you dont really need any talent to do that.
The Beginning!    Night Sky Arts what does it mean? It's a good question I got to tell you the main thing is when we came up with the name we had no idea why we just wanted something original and not "taken" you know copy right and "tm" you dont really want to mess with that stuff so it's Night Sky Arts again and it's an Art of the Sky but at night just think about it. Billions of stars like a mirror reflecting 7+billions people's life how amazing is that? Pretty amazing well that's what we tend to be someday just like being perfect is boring but the road to be perfect is always entertaining. So grab yourself a drink and read on...I'll try to post as often as I can. Thanks for your time and you can always subscribe to recive hot post ASAP to your email or go to "like" it of course follow us on twitter and what else did I forget oh follow as on instagram pretty much all over the interner where you can find the combination of 3 words "NightSkyArts"
The Beginning!

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