Travel Magazine

Thank You Everyone.

By Annie
For all your fabulous comments. I am sorry I have not had time to reply to everyone lately but I have read them all. I have been a bit behind with reading your blogs (shame on me) but hopefullywill catch up soon!! These flowers are for you. Saw these whilst waiting for the bus , all taken with my phone. Thank you Everyone.
Thank you Everyone.
Thank you Everyone.
Thank you Everyone.
 Fabulous tree in my friend's  parents garden It is huge!
Thank you Everyone.
While I was in the hairdressers today, I had an hour to read their magazines,and came across this article by a lady named Lucy,
( unfortunately I didn't get her full name in the photo)who had moved around quite a bit and had family in different corners of the world.Just like me!! Thank you Everyone. I have felt like this for years. 
Thank you Everyone.   ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

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