Politics Magazine

Texas Elections - Voter Fraud Vs. Voter Suppression

Posted on the 19 June 2019 by Jobsanger
Texas Elections - Voter Fraud Vs. Voter Suppression
Texas Elections - Voter Fraud Vs. Voter Suppression
Texas Elections - Voter Fraud Vs. Voter Suppression
These charts reflect the results of a new University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll -- done between May 31st and June 9th of 1,200 registered voters in Texas, and has a margin of error of 2.83 points.
They show how different the Republican and Democratic parties are when it comes to voting rights of Texans. The Republicans, with very little evidence, believe there is a lot of voter fraud (particularly noncitizen voting). The Democrats, with a mountain of evidence, believe there is voter suppression (prevention of eligible voters from exercising their right to vote).
This is particularly clear in the bottom chart, which asks if minorities are discriminated against by the Texas electoral process. About 66% of Democrats say yes, while 80% of Republicans say no.
Texas Republicans clearly live in a world where fake news rules and facts don't matter.

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