Lifestyle Magazine

#TBT Throwback Thursday Fashion Accessories

By Jennifer @jennynov23
marni spring summer 2014
#TBT, (AKA Throwback Thursday) is the one day every week when we proudly share unflattering photos of ourselves with frizzy hair while sporting Care Bears pj's, and braces. Since my social media feed is going to be inundated with such images today I have to ask, would you wear any of those 80's and 90's trends TODAY?
What comes to mind when you think of tacky accessories from your childhood? I'll give you a hint for some direction here, think trips to Disney World, or your family vacation to Mexico circa 1993. On said trips your parents were likely rocking one or both of the following items.  
Fanny packs and visors!
A good fanny pack keeps things hands free all-day-long, while you stash passports, cash, your Zack Morris phone, and anything else your heart desires in that little vinyl pouch dangling from your waist. Visors, the illegitimate cousin of the fanny pack, are soooo awesome in that they keep the sun out of your eyes....and I think that's about it.  
Zack Morris PhoneSo have I sold you on the idea of adopting these accessories in year 2014?
I can throw all the sarcasm I want at you but I am aware of the painful fact that my opinion doesn't really count this time around. These two "accessories" have already caused a buzz in the fashion world ever since Marni sent both down the runway last September with the Spring/Summer collection.

Things took a turn for the worse when I realized recently that the fanny pack is too cool to go by its 90's name, and its now referred to as a "belt bag". Also, I think its kinda funny how this is a thing right now #StopTryingToMakeVisorsHappen . I'll LOL to that! So, I'm confused, is it cool to wear visors and fanny packs or is it not? And what happens if you wear BOTH, TOGETHER?!?
Lets take a look at the goods to form a more informed decision.
  Marni Visor
marni visor
 Helen Kaminski Visor
rafia visor
 Clare V Leather Belt Bag 
white leather belt bag  Moschino Leather Belt Pack
moschino fanny pack  Marni Belt Bag
marni belt bagI don't know,  I just don't trust people who wear visors, like are you on your way to a Tennis match? And fanny packs, well, they are fanny packs enough said. 
So what do you think? Have we finally taken "Flash Back Friday" and "TBT" too friggin far? See for yourself and let me know, would you try one of today's visors or fanny packs on for yourself? Or maybe you'll hunt down one from your childhood and save yourself the $1,000 the designer versions are going for today.
In case you totally want to adopt this trend I'm not one to stop you, check out more options below.

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