Family Magazine

Take a Break from Parenthood with the Cadillac CTS

By Arredmon @mamachallenge
Disclaimer: I was provided the use of a Cadillac CTS to experience luxury driving in beautiful car. You should too and here's why. 

The day I had to trade in my BMW coupe to get a more mom-appropriate car, I cried like a little baby who had lost their blankie. I loved that car and enjoyed the feeling I had every moment I was behind the wheel. Giving up that car was a milestone moment for my life; leaving behind my childhood as I prepared to be the mother of my own child.

Take a Break from Parenthood with the Cadillac CTS

Since then I've driven a mom car; actually a SUV with room for car seats, diaper bags and pack n plays. I've definitely adjusted to the change of a little car to a big mom-mobile and for the most part, I don't mind it (except for the Goldfish crumbs.) However, when I slid behind the wheel of a Cadillac CTS, that moment of freedom, class and "I have arrived," took me by suprise. I instantly wanted to drive all kinds of places to show off the beautiful charcoal-colored coupe and how beautiful I felt now that I was in a caddy. 

I mean it IS a Cadillac.
Take a Break from Parenthood with the Cadillac CTS

Unfortunately, it was time to pick up the kids from school and since car seats don't belong (or fit) in this car, I climbed back into reality and rushed off to my unexciting mom life. But deep down I really wanted to continue driving and to check out all its smooth features like hidden handles, keyless entry and the push button to open the doors. Cadillac CTS Highlights:  Touchpad door openings Hard-drive radio system with USB port Six air bags Rearview camera within your rearview mirror Parking assist, side blind zone alert
So I decided to make time for the car and made it a reason for a dinner out...besides, I guess being without kids and with my husband might be good for us. And there was also the car to drive. Being in the Cadillac did make the date seem a little more exciting and formal. We were able to test out the air-conditioned seats and just drive. Instead of messing with all kinds of buttons, we spent time together just cruising and enjoying the feeling. The drive was incredibly smooth, especially with its ultracomfortable leather seats. 

Take a Break from Parenthood with the Cadillac CTS
After a night of pretending of how my life was without kids, without pressures and baby sitters, it was time to go home and get back to my life. Once we hit the garage, our little people came out and reminded us why we had given up the fun and eye-catching car for my mom-mobile.   However, my baby girl definitely took up on the opportunity to get behind the wheel of the Cadillac. Uh-oh, I think she might already have a crush on the Cadillac, too. 
Take a Break from Parenthood with the Cadillac CTS

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