Lifestyle Magazine

Synchronicity and Intuition

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone. I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a week of work and writing. We had a warm day today, and I made my first attempt at running outside. I’m hoping my pinched nerve doesn’t come back. So far so good. I’m hanging up the treadmill, running on that soft surface isn’t good for my spine.

Synchronicity and Intuition

But enough about that, today I’d like to talk about synchronicity and intuition. First, what is synchronicity? It is:

The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection

Synchronicity and Intuition

I look for signs from the universe all the time because we can’t predict the future, and sometimes not knowing the outcome can be scary. Some of the signs I’ve seen are in my work life. The city or the lake where my story takes place appears in my daily life. It makes me pause and think about my story. I feel it’s the universe telling me I’m on the right path. Other times, my main character’s name will appear in odd places. I’m hoping this is a sign telling me to stick with my story. All we can do is wait and see. (Fingers crossed)

Another example is when I’m traveling to a friend’s art gallery. Her gallery is about an hour away, so I enjoy the drive because I can turn up the tunes and relax. Every single time I go, one of my favorite songs comes on the radio. Now, the first few times it happened, I just enjoyed the music, but since it has been consistently happening, I’m thinking this is a moment of synchronicity. So, what is the universe trying to tell me?

I’m not sure on that one, but I do know when I visit my friend and her gallery I leave in a great frame of mind. She’s an inspiration and I admire her greatly. Maybe it’s the universe telling me to stay connected with her. I’m not sure, but I do know it’s a sign of something.

Synchronicity and intuition go hand in hand. I trust my intuition. That gut feeling that tells me something is off. The rare times I’ve ignored my gut I’ve regretted it, and the times I followed it, even though I didn’t understand the why, I’ve learned it was the right decision.

Synchronicity and Intuition

Intuition is the the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. You just know something isn’t right usually without any evidence. I’ve learned the hard way to trust my gut.

How about you? Do you trust your gut, or do you make decisions on cold, hard facts? Do you see synchronicity in your every-day life? Leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.

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