Family Magazine

Sylvanian Families and Cow Baby

By Evette Garside @evette77

You may recall my post several weeks ago of the Sylvanian family Nursery set. Well over the past few weeks my little girl Izebella has been sent a few Sylvanian family figures to add to the nursery and any future play sets she may get.

Sylvanian family's have been around for ages. In fact I even remember them being out when I was younger. To give a very brief description (for those who don't know what they are) - Sylvanian families and groups of very cute animal characters, lots of different animals to collect which come in packs of families or individual characters and a whole load of accessories and sets. Highly collectable and I imagine some of the really old rare characters may be worth something by now. The Sylvanian family website shows many of the available characters and sets.

This is Izebellas new family set!

Sylvanian families and cow baby
It's a field mouse family set, with mum, dad, brother, sister all dressed in country style outfits. The majority of family sets do come with four characters and the odd few sets have three.

It wasn't long before Izebella had undressed and re dressed all of them, tho she muddled up their clothes a little. The brother character now has some other clothes on.

Sylvanian families and cow baby

As well as the family Izebella also has one of the new Sylvanian family babies. Again a fair few animal characters to choose from for these and this is the Fresian cow baby.
Sylvanian families and cow baby

Very cute and small and comes with a little crib and bottle. The bottle is tiny tho and easily lost.

This is baby cow in Izebellas nursery set. She does have furniture for the nursery but for some unknown reason only wanted cow baby inside it.

Sylvanian families and cow baby

And cow baby asleep in her crib.

Sylvanian families and cow baby

These are all such cute adorable and highly collectable figures. They can be purchased in most of the well known toy stores and of course from my favourite place - Amazon. Prices vary but expect to pay between £5-£10 for a baby pack and £12-£20 for a full family set.

Sylvanian families is suitable for children (and adults!) ages 3 and over.

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