Fashion Magazine

Switch Of A Shoe

By Suma @ThFabJunkie
Switch Of A ShoeHey Loves! 
I am lucky to have the whole summer to attend blogger events and do all the cool things I can't do during the school year. For those of you who don't know and are new to TFBJ, I am a full time teaching assistant. So with that amazing job- I get summers OFF. Sweet, right? Events are never the easiest to attend. Especially when you work full time. At least for me. I always feel like I am packing an overnight bag. Whenever I leave for an event, I do one of two things: 1) Grab a large handbag and 2) Throw a pair of comfy flats in that large bag. I sometimes have to walk blocks after getting off the train or bus. I am not a liar and will tell you that heels are not my first choice when knowing my destination is 2.0 miles away. I do love pretty heels but most of mine are for show and not comfort, unfortunately. Actually, I think I own three pairs of heels that I can say are "comfy".
Moving on...........................................
I wanted to show how a "switch of a shoe" can take your event or work outfit from fancy to dinner plans with friends around the city. I rarely have time in between to go home and change, so I rely on my shoes to change up my look. Instead of grabbing your ordinary flip flop, why not go a wee bit more fashion forward? Check it out! (Warning: this post is a little picture heavy)
Switch Of A Shoe
Switch Of A Shoe
Switch Of A Shoe
 Switch Of A Shoe
Switch Of A Shoe
In that LARGE bag I was carrying, I had shoes and a change of a vest (just in case). I live in vests during the summer because I don't like bare shoulders. I think I have said this before.......... I know, it's weird but everyone has a thing. Here's my SWITCH!
Switch Of A Shoe
Switch Of A ShoeDetails: Jumper: Forever 21/ Vest: Crossroads Trading/ Heels: Yoki Brand/ Pins: SIX/ Sandals: Rocket Dog
Switch Of A Shoe
Simple and subtle but makes a difference AND my feet don't hate me!  There's so many ways to switch up an outfit, this is one way I depend on. I can't carry a whole wardrobe with me and I rarely ever have time to go home and change, so this works! How do you switch up your outfit? 
Until next time................
Switch Of A Shoe

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