Lifestyle Magazine

Sweet Treats For Weekend

By Kaye

My weekend is almost over. Tomorrow will be another day in shaa Allah. My two days passed unproductive. I haven’t done anything significant. Haven’t go out for shopping or anything. Just waiting here passively to finish the weekend and start another week in shaa Allah. There are just some days when everything else seems so fast while you tail behind them, slogging.

A better way to cheer me up is to treat myself with sweets. Yes, sweets. Chocolates. Anything sweet and I’m good.

Galaxy hezelnut chocolate bar

m&m chocolate

I am known among my friends with my sweet tooth. It’s a bait for me. I just can’t say no to chocolates. It’s a stress reliever. It’s a happy food. The theobromine content is rich with serotonin, a happy hormone. That explains why people who love to eat chocolates are happy person.

So next time, you feel down. Cheer yourself up with bites of chocolates.


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