Art & Design Magazine

SUPERHOT- An FPS Game Where Time Moves Only When You Move

By Inspirion @GoodMood20
Image credits: Superhot

SUPERHOT- An FPS Game Where Time Moves Only When You Move


Name says it all, a super and really hot game is here! Superhot is a first person shooter, in which time stops if the player does not move. Player is supposed to  kill everyone by using a gun while bending time to his own will. Basically, you get to be The One, Neo.

The authors of the project called Superhot a game of real-time chess except that all the pawns are out there to murder you. Time moves forward at normal speed whenever you move. Stop moving, and time slows down so you can dodge the bullets, grab a gun and kill your opponents. In case you get shot by any of the time-controlled bullets, you are dead and have to start over that level.

Although the game is not fully developed and it is still on Kickstarter the team behind the Superhot has introduced a browser version you can play right now. So take the red pill and give it a try right here. 

SUPERHOT  An FPS Game Where Time Moves Only When You Move


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