Hair & Beauty Magazine

Superdrug Tea Tree Cleanser and Toner

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
I feel like I haven't done a skin care post in ages, so I thought I would do one now. Today I am reviewing the Superdrug own brand Tea Tree Cleanser and Toner.
If you know me you will know that if a product has tea tree in then I will be straight on it. I think it is great for all skin types and works especially well with my skin.
Superdrug Tea Tree Cleanser and Toner
So this is a cleanser and tone all in one, and I love it. I think it is really great for in the morning when you just can't be bothered to full on do your face but you just want to feel clean.
It feels very soothing on the skin, quite cooling and refreshing, so it's even better for using in the morning too really wake you up.
I really think this has helped clear up my skin. I don't really have skin that is that bad, so washing my face with this everyday really has impacted on how clear my skin is. It has got rid of all those little lumps and bumps that are potential spots. Overall my skin just feels clearer and softer.
I absolutely 100% recommend this product, it's dead cheap and I think it will only do good things for your skin. 
Thank you, See you soon.
Love Allie x x x x
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