Books Magazine

Super Powers.

By Ashleylister @ashleylister

What a great theme! It made me grin when I saw what we were to write about. I’m not a comic book person (I only know the difference between Marvel and DC due to a comic book obsessed ex-boyfriends ramblings) but everyone wants a super power. I have a few I’d like and no preference either:
1)   To fly! I would love this, flitting around in the sky to wherever the hell I please. It would solve my thirst for travel, emitting travel cost. However; I have a fear of geese so I would have to check the migration patterns before I set off. If I bumped into a flock of geese on my way to a lovely foreign lands I may well cry.
2)   Karl Pilkington (Idiot Abroad) came up with the brilliant idea of bullshit man. Whenever someone is telling a discreet or not so discreet lie *cough* (politicians) he would fly in, point in their direction, colourful cape whipping around him dramatically and yell “BULLSHIT” It amused me, and as I do it quite often in reality to people (perhaps not so dramatically) I wouldn’t mind traveling the world and helping deceived people.
On a serious note, don’t writers have some sort of super power? No I’m not inflating my ego, but we communicate and express in a beautiful (well, sometimes) manner. We have the power through words to make people laugh, cry, smile, empathise, imagine, hate, love, fear and I think that is important. We tell stories that are treasured and memorised and passed on.

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