Lifestyle Magazine

Sunday Summary #52

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Hello Freckles Sunday Summary Onesie
There's only a few days left of 2014 - where has the time gone! 
I'll save my soppiness for my post next week where I look back on 2014, but it really does feel like this year has flown over. I can remember last month thinking about the time I'd have off work for Christmas and now it's only a few days until January!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas, ate all the food and got the presents you were hoping for. For me the best part of Christmas is the big turkey dinner and pigs in blankets. When I was younger it was all about the presents, but I guess as you grow up you start to appreciate family more and of!
It's been nice to use a few things from the Harvey Nichols hamper I received this Christmas; the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, Cranberry Sauce and Christmas Pud went down a treat. If only we could start a new tradition and get one every year!
Food talk aside, this week I've shared my favorite beauty products of 2014 and my first interior post. I can't even begin to explain how cosy my new bed is, just take a look for yourself! I really enjoyed putting the post together and the feedback I've had so far has been great. Let me know if you'd like me to do more interior/home style posts in the future.

Hope you've had a great week, I'll be back on Tuesday!
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