Books Magazine

Sunday Reflections – 4 October 2015

By Whatsheread

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Whew. What a week! It actually felt worse than it was. Things are crazy at work right now for both Jim and me. To make matters worse, the house is so completely torn apart that coming home does not provide any sort of relief. We are all edgy and anxious to get the house back.

Thankfully, that should happen this week. Jim is taking vacation this week, and we flew his brother up from Houston with the goal that the two of them would knock out a lot of the bigger projects we want to do on the house. The biggest project is finally putting in the new hardwood floors. I speak for all of us when I say we cannot wait to stop walking on subflooring.

While the week was not particularly horrible, the weekend certainly was. The kids had all three activities yesterday…at the same time. Jim had Connor duty, while I stuck with Holly. Connor had a cross-country meet and then had to rush home to shower and get back to the high school to catch the bus for a marching band competition. Meanwhile, Holly started her first weekend practice for the competition team. Plus, my brother-in-law flew into Madison, and we had an empty pantry and fridge. Divide and conquer is how we survive situations like this. We have gotten good at it at this point in time.

This week on the blog included my weekly reading summary and reviews of Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers, The Secrets She Keeps by Deb Caletti, and Second Life by S. J. Watson. I rounded out the week with Fabulous Friday and a slightly embarrassing What’s For Dinner. I am quite proud of myself that I have managed to stick to a schedule again.

I spent the morning painting Holly’s new room and my office, so now I am rewarding myself with a little football and a whole lot of lounging. I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday and wish everyone a wonderful week to come.

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