Destinations Magazine

Sunday in the Park with Jo

By Elizabethwix

It's embarrassing how rarely we get to Central Park when it's not difficult to get to at all. I always forget what fun it is.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
So, yesterday we descended the long steps that lead to the pond...
Sunday in the Park with Jo
and felt what a difference from the bustle of the street.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
It was very GREEN.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
Wind ruffled the surface of the water and there were ducks.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
What a strange, tall building next to the Essex House!
Sunday in the Park with Jo
Of course there were thousands of people there - lots of them taking photos like me.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
There was a fun fair with rides...
Sunday in the Park with Jo
and The Dairy looking like a Victorian railway station.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
A beautiful day for just lying around
Sunday in the Park with Jo
or getting cool information from the partially obscured tour guide.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
Lots of generic and bad-for-you snacks. YUM.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
And the piece-de-resistance - the angel presiding over the round pond with the boating lake beyond.
Sunday in the Park with Jo
Now for a short quiz a la Where's Waldo.
Can you find:
1. the bride 2. the two dog walkers 3. the muscle man 4. the boy with the bike helmet

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