Fashion Magazine

Summer Pins

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
Well, it's been a while. Between working a lot & playing the rest of the time, blogging has been put on the back burner & I'm okay with that--it is summer, after all, and there is lots of life to be lived. That being said, improving this blog is on my summer bucket list so I hope to get things going again with outfit posts, recipes, and perhaps a few DIYs. In the mean time, here is some summer inspiration brought to you by my Pinterest boards. Here is what I'm loving for summer this month:Summer pinsThe minute the sun decides to show her face in Washington, I am making this roasted peach lemonadeSummer pinsLoving this simple DIY using old t-shirts. Summer pins& speaking of t-shirts, how perfectly chic is this skirt & tee combo? Found at the Opinion Slave blog.  Summer pinsI can't stop looking at the stunning photos Andria Lindquist takes, especially these boudoir maternity shotsSummer pins...need I say more? recipe here. Summer pinsThis doily dreamcatcher is next on my DIY list. Summer pinsI have this quote posted above the desk where I write--it is wonderful motivation. Summer pinsLaid back summer perfection: tank + high waist. Summer pinsAnd last but not least, a sangria recipe that sounds to die for. I'm not a big winer, but I'm willing to try...
Find me on Pinterest & share your summer ideas! xo. 

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