Hair & Beauty Magazine

Sukin Facial Moisturiser

By Melmeko @melmeko

Howdy my friends!  :-h   I’m rather fond of natural skin care products, which based on my own experience, I’ve discovered can be equally effective as many commercial and professional brands, it just depends on the right blend of ingredients and how they respond to individual skin types.  I’m sure you’re all aware though, of the labelling issues, where brands that are named ‘natural’ and ‘organic’, yet you’d be lucky to find even a fraction of natural ingredients in their products.  :-O   It pretty much comes down to research and always checking the labels and ingredients lists first.  Whilst we all know it’s safe to say that actual ‘certified’ organic brands must follow strict international standards and ARE completely free of synthetics and toxins.  However, many ‘certified’ organic brands are ridiculously expensive, understandably so, considering they cost heaps more to develop, but that’s not to say their aren’t some pretty decent natural and botanical brands out there, which aren’t ‘certified’ as such, hence are also more affordable.  ;)  Natural and botanical brands are still committed to producing safe, natural, affordable skin care products, using only pure ingredients and are free of .harsh chemicals, so they are more appealing to consumers who prefer to avoid nasties where possible.  :D

Tammerly the talented author of Spoilt beauty blog sent me out the Sukin Facial Moisturiser to trial and review for her blog.  Sukinis an Australian, environmentally friendly natural skin care brand that is a bit confusing at first glance, due to their website, ‘sukinorganics’ giving the impression of an ‘organic’ product range.  :-/  Don’t let the name fool you; Sukin is NOT certified’ organic,   :-S   yet it’s a brand that IS void of artificial and synthetic ingredients, parabens, mineral oils and other nasty chemicals.  :">  The Sukin line-up contains lots of skin friendly, natural ingredients, formulated with active botanicals and essential oils.  Sukin Facial Moisturiser is deeply hydrating and enriched with a cocktail of botanical extracts like Aloe Vera, Horsetail, Nettle and Burdock for their skin calming benefits, rose hip that is rich in antioxidants and boasts healing properties, along with Wheat Germ, Jojoba and Avocado Oils, harmonising to promote a healthy, youthful, more radiant complexion.  :)

Sukin Facial MoisturiserThe moisturiser is packaged in an environmentally friendly, recyclable, amber coloured, 125ml pump-action bottle.  The label is simple and boasts a green leaf and carbon neutral product symbol that is recognisable across the entire Sukin range.  I like that I can see through the plastic bottle to determine the content level and the pump is easy to control, allowing me to dispense as much or as little product as needed, depending on how much pressure I apply during the press.  Unfortunately the bottle is not suitable for travelling, because even though the pump can be twisted into a lock position and that is only after a full pump, while pressed right down against the lid (that in my opinion is quite wasteful if you don’t need a full pump prior to locking) it’s still not particularly travel friendly, with the possibility that it could easily become open and leak or spill during transit.  #-o

The texture of this moisturiser is like a velvety cream and is white in color with a thin consistency that I would describe as being more of a lightweight, lotion than a cream.  The distinct, sweet herbal scent was first thing I noticed when I used this cream for the first time and I was worried that it would trigger my fragrance sensitivity, as I normally avoid using products that are too scented on my face, even when they are natural.  :-S   Fortunately the fragrance disappears soon after applying, so I needn’t have worried and in fact the fragrance has since grown on me and I now look forward to experiencing the effects of the relaxing, uplifting aroma as it stimulates my senses for an overall feeling of wellbeing.   \:D/  I gently massage a pea-sized amount of moisturiser onto my face and neck, which then absorbs instantly without trace of sticky residue.  The non-greasy formula leaves my skin feel smooth, soft and comfortable, making it a great base to use under makeup.  ;;)
I have oily skin that is fussy when it comes to moisturisers because they wind up being too rich or heavy and end up making my face all greasy within hours of application.  Even moisturisers that claim to be matte or are formulated especially for oily skin can cause issues, so finding a suitable daily moisturiser has always been a dilemma.  The Sukin Facial Moisturiser delivers and maintains efficient hydration so my skin is nourished and yet doesn’t develop into an oily surface film that turns my face all shiny during the day.  <:-P   I must say this was a pleasant surprise, although I’m yet to put it to the test during a humid, summer day, I am thrilled with its performance so far.  I’ve not suffered any adverse reactions from the natural ingredients and it hasn't caused any congestion or breakouts.  In fact, my skin has continued to remain clear and calm and I’m now sporting a healthy-looking glow rather than the pesky oil slick I previously had to contend with.   =D>  I am rating this moisturiser with 3.5 stars out of 5,   (*)  (*)  (*)  & ½  (*)  because, in addition to the minor cons I’ve already mentioned, I usually prefer my daytime moisturiser to also include some form of sun protection, but hey, for under $10 you can’t expect to have it all.  The price is a complete steal and I have not seen a natural brand as cheap as this anywhere before.  It’s a safe, affordable option for those who want to get on-board the more natural skin care bandwagon but can’t justify the expensive of buying ‘certified’ brands.   :)   I would consider purchasing the Sukin Facial Moisturiser in the future, as it complements my oily skin and I’m happy enough with the immediate results.

Has anyone tried Sukin before, if so what are your thoughts?  Have you ever felt cheated when purchasing a brand or product that you expected was ALL natural or organic, because of the confusion created by our relaxed labelling laws?  :-?  I know I have, several times in fact, until I learnt how to check ingredients and understand a bit more about certification.  I am not in any way a brand snob and have used several natural and botanical products that have been amazing, even though they were not certified.  Can you think of any brands that are misleading by their names or claims, list them in the comments section below? 
The images in this post are generic.

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