Hair & Beauty Magazine


By Candyfairy



SUKINI have been in a bit of a skincare rut lately.Not really using anything specifically special for my skin or paying all that muchattention. I've kind of just been on auto pilot, just using up the random skincareproducts in my bathroom before letting myself go out and splurg on anything else.Luckily my skin has been well behaved during this time and I've been prettycontent with plodding along slowly using up each product which seems to takeFOREVERRRR. ....!!!
So when an opportunity came along to try out a brand new skincare routinetailored specifically just for my skin, (which is normal, how boring i know!) what beauty addict could resist!?
Thanks to RESCU, I was able to give this Australian brand a go and seejust what my skin thought about it.
Below I share my thoughts on each product...
Check back here soon to watch my video review!
Foaming Facial CleanserSulphate & Paraben FreeSUKINThis cleanser feels mild and gentle on my skin.
If foams up slightly, but isn't overly bubbly.
I have really been enjoying using this in my new skincare routine
as it works well for my skin type. It doesn't dry my skin out, yet
I can still feel the difference after cleansing as my skin feels refreshed
and free of excess oil, makeup and grime from a long day.
Hydrating Mist TonerAlcohol & Paraben FreeSUKINI've not had a lot of experience with mist toners before.
I usually use the ones you swipe over your face with a cotton ball,
which I really enjoy using as they do a great job at catching any excess
makeup, oil or grime. This one works a little different not only because this is
obviously a spray, but because this works to hydrate your skin anytime of the day!
It feels unbelievably soothing and refreshing especially first thing
in the morning when your face is still struggling to wake up!
 You can use it on both naked skin or over your makeup. Pretty clever!
I look forward to using this when it warms up in the summer months for a
cooling refreshment and pick me up.
Facial MoisturiserParaben FreeSUKINYou can really notice the difference between when you use a regular
moisturiser as opposed to when you use a more natural product.
The scent is simply gorgeous and doesn't overwhelm your senses with an
OTT perfumed fragrance. It reminds me very much like a facial cream that gets
put on you at a spa. So relaxing!
Facial Treatment OilPreservative FreeSUKINTreatment oils are pretty new to me. I've used a few different kinds of serums and
I kind of feel like they work in a similar way.
The oil works to repair and soften the skin. It doesn't feel greasy even though
it's a oil, which is surprising. It is meant to help fight the signs of aging which I'm
all for! I am at the age where my skin isn't as forgiving as it used to be.
So I have been having fun using this in hopes that it slows down the aging process
somewhat, and so far it just feels beautiful so I'm a happy chappy! :)
Purifying Facial MasqueParaben FreeSUKINIt's not often get the time to indulge in a deep cleansing mask to treat my skin,
so needless to say, I really enjoyed these! :)
The scent was a bit different to the other products, but was still nice and didn't
overtake the whole experience by being overpowering or unpleasant.
What I found different about this mask was that after 10-15 minutes it didn't
start to crack, flake or tighten my skin. Honestly, I don't mind masks which do this,
but this was a nice difference as it made it easier to remove as I didn't have to
be as rough to remove it. It wiped gently away with just a warm wash cloth
leaving my skin looking brand new and completely renewed without that
awful squeaky sensation. Super nice product, one of the best I've ever tried.
Am looking forward to this experience again as soon as I can!! ;)
What products are in your current skincare routine?
Love Candy!xo
Missed yesterday's post?My Natural Face
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*These products were kindly sent to me for review as part of the RESCU Trial Team*All opinions & photographs are my own

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