
Suits of the Future: How the Advancement of Technology Impacts Tailoring

Posted on the 20 December 2023 by Statused

When you think about suits that people wear for formal occasions, you might consider things like how wide the lapels are and similar stylistic choices. That’s certainly important when designing and purchasing suits, as the person wearing them wants to appear stylish. However, there’s another consideration when you’re thinking about suits of the future, and that’s the unstoppable progress of modern technology.

In the not-too-distant future, a stylish custom suit might be defined not just by how it appears but by what technology it can easily incorporate. Let’s talk a little more about that right now.

Self-Repairing Fabric

Some tailors envision a future where people buy suits that can repair themselves. They might not be able to completely reconstruct themselves if they suffer significant damage, but maybe slight tears or rips can be stitched back together by the suits themselves without the wearer needing to be proactive at all. It sounds far-fetched, but some designers are working on the technology even as we speak.

Is Color-Changing Fabric on the Horizon?

There’s also the possibility that we might see color-changing fabric before too long. Imagine if you bought a suit in a style that you like, but you want to go from a darker color to a lighter one because of the occasion or the time of year when you’re wearing it.

In that situation, you’d presumably have to change into a different suit. What if you could change your suit’s color with a minor adjustment, though? It’s another concept that seems straight out of a sci-fi movie or novel, but it’s something else that might be possible in the future.

Microchips in Clothing

We know that we can pay for something with our smartphones just by tapping them against a computer terminal at a checkout line. Grocery stores, clothing stores, and other in-person retailers have this tech available right now.

The next step will likely be microchips in clothing, including suits. Imagine if you could pay for something by tapping your shirt sleeve against it. It would no longer be necessary to carry a credit card or cash with you. Of all the technology we’ve mentioned on this list, this is the innovation that is probably closest to being a reality.

A Place for Your Smartphone

These days, new suits are made with a pocket for your smartphone. This kind of accommodation has already arrived.

Suits of the future may have more than just the right-sized inside pocket for a cell phone, though. These pockets may also have technology added to them that interacts with the phone.

For instance, they may be magnetized in such a way that the phone remains in the pocket and doesn’t slip out, even if the suit jacket is jostled or thrown carelessly over the back of a chair. This way, there is much less chance of a valuable smartphone being lost.

There will presumably be many more suit-related innovations as technology becomes more advanced, and watching the progress in this area should be fascinating.

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