Hair & Beauty Magazine

Stocking Fillers: Anyone

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
Can you believe I have done no Christmas posts yet!? I thought I would start a mini series leading up to Christmas, every Sunday I will have a Stocking Fillers post (for various people) up. It will only include little things but stuff that is cute and meaningful.This first post is aimed at anyone.Stocking Fillers: AnyoneSocks not on the high street | Tandem Space Hopper totally funky | Print not on the high street Mug amazon | Fridge Magnet totally funky | Slippers amazon
These are stereotypical presents but they are really cute and versatile. I love Totally Funky, it has loads of gift ideas for everyone and the delivery is fast. Not on the High Street is a new website I found the other day, it has loads of cute presents and you can find something for everyone there. And amazon is a great way to find whatever, whenever.
I hope you like the first installment of the stocking filler series. If you have any requests comment or tweet me and if you have any Christmas post ideas let me know.
Allie x 
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