Family Magazine

Stepping into the Disney Blogosphere

By Sarahanneconnors @thenmousette
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I have always hated keeping a journal. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of keeping a diary. I have failed EVERY attempt I have ever made at keeping track of my thoughts in a book. As a child I would watch movies of girls who had the most beautiful journals with ornate leather bindings and crisp white pages. Perhaps it was because I never did find one as elaborate as they were in the movies. My dime store knock-offs never did have the same appeal to draw me in, every day, to jot down my words of wisdom at the ripe age of 8.

Later in life with my first pregnancy my mother begged me to keep a journal and while I am sure I would love having it to look back on now, I failed miserably. Mostly I think it was that I always felt a bit silly writing to a book that could not talk back. Not that I am above talking to myself, I do it often, I just never got the sense of fulfillment many get from journaling.

So why start a blog you ask? Well it is really rather simple. I have created a place where I can impose my humble nuggets of knowledge to the world (Okay maybe only my husband, my mom and the guy searching for Canadian Mousetraps!). These gems of guidance will be a little on family, a smidgen on life, and a lot on Disney. Why Disney you ask? It’s simple really. Everyone, in my opinion, could use a sprinkling of Magic in their lives and that is where my family finds it. I do hope you enjoy reading my blog (yes even you who searched “Canadian Mousetraps”!) Please comment, ask questions and maybe take away a little more magic than you came with!~ Yours Truly, The Northern Mousette ❤

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