Hair & Beauty Magazine

Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!

By Makeupguineapig @MakeUpGuineaPig
The birds are chirping, the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds and bright green buds are popping up all around. That can only mean one thing – Spring is finally here! I absolutely love Spring and probably one of my favorite things to do in the Springtime is to bust out all of the fun colored nail polishes I have…and trying to resist buying more. J So I’ve dusted off my polishes and spent hours whittling down my favs (literally) so that I can share my Top 10 Spring Polishes with you this year! J (And please excuse my rough nails and somewhat messy painting job.)
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
The first polish I have is a continual favorite because it’s a nice neutral metallic that really could work anytime of year. I love it for Spring in particular because it’s a neutral that’s neither too boring, nor too dark and has that added interest with the subtle metallic flash. It is Flower Beauty’s “Fanatical Botanical.” It is shown painted with 2 coats (and the horrible imperfections are on my actual nails, not from the polish itself).
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Moving on to a more traditional Spring pastel, we have Butter London’s “Kerfuffle.” This polish is just a nice pale peach that’s not so pale that it either blends with my skin tone or looks too stark against it. This can be painted in 2 coats if you’re careful, but since I had 10 to get through, I rushed it and 3 coats are shown.
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Continuing up the price scale, but sticking on the lovely pastel train, we have “Build Me Up Buttercup” from Deborah Lippmann. Every time I look at this polish I get the song stuck in my head! It’s a lovely pale buttery yellow. I love this for Spring because it’s not too bright and for a yellow, it applies really well. It is not a streaky mess, and it doesn’t get all gloopy and streaky. This is shown with 3 coats, but 2 is probably workable when not holding your nails in the sunlight. Photos really show the imperfections in painting!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Sticking with the Deborah Lippmann, my next favorite is called “Blue Orchid.” Again, this is just the perfect Springtime blue! Not too light or too dark, and not too bright and in-your-face. The formula is fantastic and is shown with 2 coats, though you might even be able to get away with one. This entire collection (I think it is from Spring 2014) is just superb – both colors and formula.
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Next we have a shade from LVX which a 5-free vegan polish. The color is called “Mynt” and is subtly different from a traditional mint green. It’s a touch brighter with more of a “spring green” kind of tone to it. It’s a gorgeous polish and the brushes on the LVX polishes are really fantastic as well – not too thick or too thin and distribute the polish beautifully! This is shown with 3 coats, but should be perfect in 2 if you take more time between coats.
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
A pastel blue-green hybrid of sorts is Crown of Thorns from Priti NYC. I suppose this is a perfect Robin’s egg blue. It’s not quite blue, not quite green and just plain beautiful! J I think this might be possible to have evenly painted in 1 coat, but it is shown with 2. Priti NYC is also a 5-free Vegan polish brand with fantastic brushes.
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Switching to the pinker side of purple, we have “Crystal Orchid” from Pacifica. I really like this shade partly because it’s so unique! It really does straddle the line of a pink and a pale lilac. I don’t think I have anything else quite like it. Again, beautiful formula and a fantastic brush from a 7-free Vegan company. This can be opaque in 1 coat, but I have shown it painted with 2 coats. Another weird little love about this polish is the handle – not only is it pretty, but it gives a bit of “grip” too, which really does seem to help with polishing.
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
If you’re looking for a slightly cooler pale lavender, check out “A Grape Affair” from The Body Shop. This definitely falls into the purple category, but is a beautiful pastel shade that is stunning in the Spring! I have painted 2 coats here, but this is another one that might be possible in just 1. And again, the brush is perfect!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
For a bit of a transition from Spring into Summer, I have an orange that is definitely bold, but not quite as full-on super intense as I might pick in the dead of Summer. It is “Tiddly” from Butter London. I kind of feel like it’s what you’d see if an orange creamsicle met an orange popsicle and they melted together. Whatever you want to call it, I love it for Spring because it’s just softened enough that it doesn’t quite feel Summery…yet! This is shown with 3 coats, but may be fine with 2 if you let the coats dry more between.
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Last but not least, we have a gorgeous (and highly affordable at 99¢) strawberry polish. The color is appropriately called “Grasping at Strawberries” from Wet n Wild’s Wild Shine range! Again, it makes me think Summer is nearly here, but it’s not quite a tomato red that would seem more summery. It looks mostly red in the photo, but there is a definite pink undertone in person. It’s one of those shades that sometimes looks pink, other times looks red. This is shown with 2 coats.
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
That’s going to do it for my Spring Polish Picks this year! I hope you’ve enjoyed this pastel candy-coated love affair. J If you'd like to see some of my earlier Seasonal Polish Picks, they are linked below. Surprisingly this is my first installment for Spring! Please leave a comment with some of your favorite shades because I always love hearing about new polishes! Apparently a girl can never have too many. J Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon!!!
Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!
For prior Polish Picks, you can find them linked below:
      Holiday 2014
      Fall 2014
      Summer 2014
      Summer 2013
      Fall 2012, Part 1
      Fall 2012, Part 2
      Fall 2012, Part 3
      Fall 2012, Part 4

Spring Polish Picks for 2015 ~ Priti NYC, Pacifica, LVX, Butter London, Flower & More!

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