Dating Magazine

Spring Cleaning Your Life

By Datingdiva40 @datingdiva40
Spring Cleaning Your Life

Pay attention men! This doesn't just apply to ladies!

I'm sure most of you have forgotten your New Year's resolutions. Maybe it was something silly like "I swear I won't put my garbage in my neighbors can," but maybe it was meaningful. You might have decided to lose a little weight, or quit smoking. January has come and gone, but I'd be willing to bet your resolution hasn't been resolved. Let's get that enthusiasm back on track! I'm not saying you should go vegan and chuck out those killer leather platform shoes, but revisit that goal and give it another shot!

No matter where you call home, be it the mountains, or the wind chapped plains, winter is tough on your skin! Once again guys, pay attention! Now ladies you don't have to fork over a small fortune for silky smooth skin, and guys you don't have to endure the daunting skin care aisle. There are plenty of remedies that you can do right at home without breaking the bank. This is one of my favorite simple recipes.

Exfoliation Salt Scrub - Ingredients:

  • Sea Salt(which you can easily find at the grocery store)
  • Oil Base (I find good old virgin olive oil to work best but coconut oil and sunflower seed oil are also acceptable)
  • Essential Oil (now guys you don't have to use this, but you'd be surprised how pleasant and non-flowery smelling some types are)
  • You follow the simple one part oil base to two parts salt ratio. Using a small container, like a mason jar or even a simple plastic container works just fine, add one cup of your salt. Next add a half of a cup of your oil base. If you've chosen to add an essential oil you can do so now. A few drops should do the trick. Mix gently and don't freak out if the salt settles to the bottom. That's to be expected.
  • Now to scrub off your winter "coat" you'll find that using your mixture on dry skin gives you the best result. You can use your hands to work it into the rough spots like elbows, heels, and knees. I've found that using a washcloth on your softer skin like you're neck and face will leave you silky but not overly buffed.

Spring is also a great time to give your insides a little cleaning as well.

You don't have to go nuts and grab the latest celebrity cleanse diet. Just check out the fresh seasonal produce. Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself, or eat "rabbit food" guys. Farmer's markets are a wonderful place to see not only what spring has to offer, but it's also a great place to find out how to prepare some veggies you might not have ever tried. Sure it can be a little scary to bring home some goodies that you can't even pronounce. Let's face it though folks, canned green beans aren't exactly broadening your palates horizon. Give your poor body a break and do a little spring cleaning.

Once the weather warms up spend a little time outside.

You might live in the big city, but smog aside, a little one on one time with the sun is actually good for you. Granted you do take the proper precautions. Sunscreen is your friend. Looking like a vintage leather purse is not! Studies show that sunshine makes us feel good. Sunlight tells your body to wake up. Literally! It tells your body to stop producing melatonin, which is the natural chemical your body produces to make you sleepy. So throw open those blinds, grab your shades, and maybe walk the extra block to that "other" Starbucks.

I know I said we weren't going to herd those pesky dust bunnies, but we don't have to go Rambo style into a cleaning mission.

Seriously though, this is a good time to get rid of some personal "junk". Ladies do you still have pictures of your ex taking up space? Lose them. Or at the very least box them up. Guys, if at some point an ex decorated your living space, this would be the time to reclaim it. Now is the perfect time to donate, relocate, or chuck those weird candles and that abstract cat painting. Not to mention this can keep potential new dates from ever laying eyes on that suspiciously floral throw rug. This doesn't just apply to singles. Couples can get in on the unclutter bandwagon too! If you are unlucky enough to share closet space with your other half it's time to tame it. I'll make it easy for you.

  • Take every last thing out. Even if you know you're going to put something right back. Take it out.
  • Give your closet a good look. Check and see if all the shelves and racks are still secure. You don't have to be carpenter to tighten a screw or adjust a few bolts.
  • Now before you put a single thing back take a good hard look at your treasures. Both you and your other half should make four piles: Keep, discard, donate, and relocate.
  • You might be thinking, "If I had somewhere to relocate this stuff, I would have already done it." Well I'll tell you how I took the bulk out of my closet that I begrudgingly share. I found some inexpensive storage ottomans. I keep seasonal clothes in them and actually found that they are pretty useful around the house.
  • Finally you're ready to put your goodies back. Bet you'll be surprised at how much more room you have! See a little spring cleaning didn't hurt that much!
I'll be the first to say that I am domestically challenged.

I'm no cleaning wizard, and I'm sure many of you can relate. I will say this though, these tips aren't too daunting. As a matter of fact they're pretty simple. I like simple, but I especially like simply effective. Give them a try, or at the very least get rid of that rug your ex bought. You won't be sorry. Try a little spring cleaning in your life.

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