Hair & Beauty Magazine

Spooky Spider Webs

By Pinkandpolished
It's that time of year again! 

Time for pumpkins, ghosts and ghouls, and all that spooky stuff. Me? I prefer the cute Halloween stuff ;) Although haunted houses is a guilty pleasure of mine.... unless it involves chainsaws, then EFFFFFF that! Anyways I bought a few polishes from a new to me brand, Nasty Nails, and one of the colors I bought was Boink! A GORGEOUS pumpkin orange! I couldn't wait to give it a try so I figured some Halloween nails were in order. Want to check it out?I started with a base of Nasty Nails Boink! and then applied a layer of TLLB Glow-Stly over top. When it was dry I stamped over each nail with Bundle Monster plate BM-H07 and a black stamping polish from the Born Pretty Store. I sealed it all in with some Seche Vite and that was it!

Spooky Spider Webs
Spooky Spider Webs
Spooky Spider Webs
That orange though.... PERFECTION! I'm not much of an orange wearer but I can see myself wearing this one a lot!

What do you guys think?

Thanks loves :) 

Spooky Spider Webs

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