Culture Magazine

Splendid Lecture at Leighton House - Special Offer!

By Kirsty Stonell Walker @boccabaciata
You will remember that a month or so ago I reviewed the gorgeous exhibition that is currently on at Leighton House. Well, the splendid people at Leighton House have an evening lecture entitled The Day-Dream of Painting: the Purposes of Drawing in Victorian England...

Splendid Lecture at Leighton House - Special Offer!

Study of the Figure of Love from Dante's Dream D G Rossetti

Taking place on Thursday 21 April, independent art historian and curator Christopher Newall will explore the various purposes for which drawings were made in the Victorian period; from works that were to be seen and sold, to private meditations, personal to the artist. The Lecture starts at 7pm but there is chance from 6.15pm to look round the exhibition Pre-Raphaelites on Paper: Victorian Drawings from the Lanigan Collection.

Splendid Lecture at Leighton House - Special Offer!

King Pelles Daughter Bearing the Vessel of the Sangrael (1861) Frederick Sandys

Tickets are normally £15 but because we're all chums you can get in for £10, which includes entry to Leighton House Museum, complimentary drink (huzzah!) and entry to the lecture, obviously.Enter promotional code SPECIAL10 when booking here.
If anyone asks, say Mrs Walker sent you and wink.

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