Society Magazine

Spiritual Armor

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Have you polished, adjusted, and thanked God today for your spiritual armor? We should be armed and ready, from head to toe, and praising the Lord for His generosity in protecting us from the demons and from the evil one himself! If we are on guard, rooted in His word, and seeking His face, we can always spot the real from the imitation, the Godly miracle from the demonic copy, the truth from a lying sign. It is a skill that needs honing, and we will need it more than ever as each day from now on progresses. Be ready and sharpen that sword: read your Bible today!
Here are some great resources on the topic of spiritual armor and spiritual warfare.
GotQuestions: What is the Full Armor of God?
Grace To You: The Believer's Armor: God's Provision for Your Protection
Free Booklet: The Armor of God
Acts 17:11 Ministry- Bible Study: The Full Armor of God
Book by Jim Osman: Truth Or Territory | A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare

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