Lifestyle Magazine

“Sozialwerkzeuge |Non-Profit-Social-Media-Politik”

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

Satire- Moderator Jan Böhmermann forderte mit seinem Schmähgedicht sowohl den türkischen Präsidenten  Recep Tayyip Erdogan als auch die deutsche Justiz heraus. Immerhin strafrechtlich hat letztere Instanz dem Berufssatiriker die Absolution gegen den überfälligen Majestätsbeleidigungsparagraphen erteilt.

We won’t give up if the funding target is not reached – we will continue to believe in the project and will realize it with the help of volunteers. The lack of funds will unfortunately slow down our journey.

Companies are increasingly using social media monitoring tools to monitor, track, and analyze online conversations on the Web about their brand or products or about related topics of interest. This can be useful in public relations management and advertising campaign tracking, allowing the companies to measure return on investment for their social media ad spending, competitor-auditing, and for public engagement. Tools range from free, basic applications to subscription-based, more in-depth tools.

There are lots of ways you can optimize your digital marketing assets for mobile users, and when implementing any digital marketing strategy, it’s hugely important to consider how the experience will translate on mobile devices. By ensuring this is always front-of-mind, you’ll be creating digital experiences that work for your audience, and consequently achieve the results you’re hoping for.

Great list and please don’t get me wrong here, I am sick to death of Facebook. Is there another alternative TO Facebook? Put simply, NO!!! The other social media sites are devoid of the basic common denominator, Collaboration!! While they MIGHT get you a closed network or a specific audience, it doesn’t cater for interaction with all of the platform. What we really need is somewhere that has a home page with your posts that is broadcast to ALL other users or chosen crowds. We need a news feed to cast all of the posts for people to interact with. Twitter, Snapchat, Google+ and Instagram etc etc, just don’t cut the mustard as far as this goes. Some of the others mentioned are specific to specific audiences and are nothing like Facebook. That is why all other alternatives fail dismally!! I wish I had the money and development time to produce it, but alas I don’t.

Sponsored spotlight – Spotlight is a directory of some of the popular blogs throughout the community and a place where users can find new blogs to follow. Advertisers can choose one category out of fifty categories that they can have their blog listed on there.[79]

Generell gilt: Video kommt und kommt. Das zeigt sich sehr eindrücklich auf Facebook, das Videos wie blöd pusht. Auch Live-Video boomt: Facebook Live und Periscope beispielsweise. Instagram und Twitter haben diese Funktion auch gerade ausgerollt und auch bei YouTube kann man Livestreams senden.

It is known for being the leading social bookmarking service. Having been launched in 2003, Delicious is ideal for storing, sharing and discovering web bookmarks. It also allows its users to tag them with any keywords.

The devil’s in the details when it comes to developing a consistent social media strategy for your business. Little mistakes and simple omissions can handicap your efforts — and leave you looking like a online novice. We wanted to find out exactly w…

Just under half the world’s population is currently on the Internet. Roughly 75% of those people are on social media and ¾ of those folks have social media accounts on their mobile phones. Mobile phone usage is beneficial for social media marketing because mobile phones have social networking capabilities, allowing individuals immediate web browsing and access to social networking sites. Mobile phones have grown at a rapid rate, fundamentally altering the path-to-purchase process by allowing consumers to easily obtain pricing and product information in real time[12] and allowing companies to constantly remind and update their followers. Many companies are now putting QR (Quick Response) codes along with products for individuals to access the company website or online services with their smart phones. Retailers use QR codes to facilitate consumer interaction with brands by linking the code to brand websites, promotions, product information, or any other mobile-enabled content. In addition, Real-time bidding use in the mobile advertising industry is high and rising because of its value for on-the-go web browsing. In 2012, Nexage, a provider of real time bidding in mobile advertising, reported a 37% increase in revenue each month. Adfonic, another mobile advertisement publishing platform, reported an increase of 22 billion ad requests that same year.[13]

Das Geschäftsmodell von Presseverlagen versucht sich an die Bedingungen des Internets anzupassen.  Nachdem Versuche durch massive Lobbyarbeit gescheitert sind, mit Hilfe des Gesetzgebers das antiquierte Geschäftsmodell des Prä- Internetzeitalters zu erhalten, versucht man mit Werbung und Nutzerdaten die sinkenden Einnahmen durch konventionelle Produktsparten auszugleichen.

Privacy rights advocates warn users on social media about the collection of their personal data. Some information is captured without the user’s knowledge or consent through electronic tracking and third party applications. Data may also be collected for law enforcement and governmental purposes,[117] by social media intelligence using data mining techniques.[118] Data and information may also be collected for third party use. When information is shared on social media, that information is no longer private. There have been many cases in which young persons especially, share personal information, which can attract predators. It is very important to monitor what you share, and to be aware of who you could potentially be sharing that information with. Teens especially share significantly more information on the internet now than they have in the past. Teen are much more likely to share their personal information, such as email address, phone number, and school names.[120] Studies suggest that teens are not aware of what they are posting and how much of that information can be accessed by third parties.

This truly shows how important highly-visual content is to marketers and the people they want to reach. That’s why building content themes is a great approach to sectioning out your content. Instagram is one your premier channels to work off visual themes.

Da die Dienstbetreiber Zugriff auf den sozialen Graphen der beherbergten Netzgemeinschaft haben, also wissen, welches Mitglied mit welchen anderen Mitgliedern in Verbindung steht, verfügen diese über eine kommerziell interessante Informationsbasis, etwa für zielgruppengerichtete Werbung.

Did you know that 69 percent of digital marketers creating more content now than they did one year ago. And that 62 percent of business want to create more engaging, higher quality content. Delivering pitch perfect content to a receptive audience means s

Jump up ^ Hayat, Tsahi; Samuel-Azran, Tal; Galily, Yair (2016-09-22). “Al-Jazeera Sport’s US Twitter followers: sport-politics nexus?”. Online Information Review. 40 (6): 785–797. doi:10.1108/oir-01-2016-0033. ISSN 1468-4527.

Die Agrarwirtschaft würde nach eigenen Angaben auf andere  Herbizite bzw. Insektizide umstellen müssen. Inwieweit diese dann gesundheitsschädlich für den Menschen sind, ist kaum abzuschätzen. Der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt kann es egal sein, womit sie vernichtet wird. Ein Umstieg von konventioneller Landwirtschaft auf ökologisch sinnvolle wird nicht stattfinden. Das verhindert wiederum die EU- Subventionspolitik, welche finanzielle Förderungen ausschließlich nach der Größe der agrarwirtschaftlich genutzten Fläche verteilt. Demnach existiert nicht ansatzweise ein Ansporn für die Landwirte, ihr landwirtschaftliches Konzept umzustellen, selbst wenn sie es wollten. Ökologische Landwirtschaft ist aufwendiger und dadurch auch teurer als die industrielle.  Will man das Insektensterben bzw. das Artensterben aufhalten, muss ein Subventionskonzept geschaffen werden, was den Landwirten einen Anreiz bietet, naturbelassene Flächen zu erhalten. In Kombination mit ökologischer Agrarwirtschaft würde sich der Aufwand in Grenzen halten und Überproduktionen vermeiden. Landwirte würden selbst davon profitieren.

While traditional media, like newspapers and television advertising, are largely overshadowed by the rise of social media marketing, there is still a place for traditional marketing. For example, with newspapers, readership over the years has shown a decline. However, readership with newspapers is still fiercely loyal to print-only media. 51% of newspaper readers only read the newspaper in its print form,[98] making well-placed ads valuable.

Instagrammers have been upset over the app’s algorithm since it rolled out last year. But, unlike other changes, which people have gotten used to over time, frustration seems to have only intensified over time.

Gezieltes Targeting statt Gießkannentaktik! Setzen Sie bei Kampagnen im digitalen Marketing auf messbare Erfolge und Performance. Durch Tools wie beispielsweise Google Analytics, Piwik oder Etracker können Sie die gewünschte Conversion messen und auswerten. Am Ende sollte Ihnen immer klar sein, was Ihnen Ihr eingesetztes Budget konkret gebracht hat.

These courses are just what I need – im looking to get back to work, decided a change of direction was in order and these are the stepping stones I need. If you have more available, please let me know, thanks

One of the first social apps available for Windows 8, FlipToast aggregates content from your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram feeds with the style that mirrors the Windows 8 visual theme. The app makes it easy to stay top of your entire social graph and you can quickly engage with friends by liking and commenting on posts from across networks. FlipToast also integrates with your address book to send you birthday reminders for your friends, search for friends from all networks and share content right from your desktop.

Facebook launched Messenger in 2011 as its first spin-off app. With group- and photo-messaging abilities and nearly instant message delivery, it was a welcome, if not immediately significant addition at the time. Three years later, Facebook caught us by surprise when it shifted gears and made the Messenger app mandatory on mobile devices. The backlash was swift and intense — at one point the app was ranked No. 1 in the App Store with a one-star rating — with users complaining about everything from performance to privacy concerns.

Well, Vero is a social media app for your smartphone, a bit like Instagram, but it claims in its manifesto to offer a more “authentic” experience. It gives you an old-school chronological feed which means you’ll see everything posted by the people you connect with, in the exact order they posted it.

Part of the reason is that gradual encroachment of the grey-haired ones on Facebook. Another is what messaging apps have to offer: private chatting with people you are friends with in real life. Instead of passively stalking people you barely know on Facebook, messaging apps promote dynamic real-time chatting with different groups of real-life friends, real life because to connect with them on these apps you will typically already have their mobile number. The trend flies in the face of recurring criticism of young people – that their social lives are largely virtual – when many more are in fact embracing the virtues of privacy and services like WhatsApp, which shun advertising.

It seems like every social media application and network out there comes with its own chat service. Between Facebook, Skype, Google Talk, Windows Live, and AIM (just to name a few), having separate apps for each of these can quickly become overwhelming.

↑ Hochspringen nach: a b M. Eller, A. Mielck, R. Landgraf: „Freunde machen den Zucker süß!“ Eine Literaturübersicht über den Zusammenhang zwischen Diabetes mellitus und dem sozialen Netzwerk bzw. der sozialen Unterstützung. In: U. Otto, P. Bauer (Hrsg.): Mit Netzwerken professionell zusammenarbeiten. Band 1: Soziale Netzwerle im Lebenslauf- und Lebenslagenperspektive. dgvt-Verlag, Tübingen 2005, S. 403f.

YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing social networking site that enables users to upload and share videos, view them, comment on them and like them. This social network is accessible across the globe and even enables users to create a YouTube channel where they can upload all their personally recorded videos to showcase to their friends and followers.

For a specific period of time, double the points each time a customer checks in on Foursquare and triple the points each time he or she brings a friend. Their friends on social networks will see when they’ve checked in while you expand your reach exponentially.

Thanks for sharing these awesome tips Kevin. I do agree with you about the timing. I used to post without caring about the timing – and for me since I live in India, I usually have to post at off times for my target audience


Tinder is a popular location-based dating app that matches you up with people in your area. Users can set up a brief profile that mainly highlights their photo, and then anyone who’s matched up to them can anonymously swipe right to like their profile or left to pass on it as a match. If some who liked a profile likes theirs back, then it’s a match, and the two users can start chatting privately with each other through the app. Tinder is completely free, but there are premium features that allow users to connect with people in other locations, undo certain swipes and get more “Super Likes” to let another user know they’re extra special.  More »

Students may use the Digital Marketing course as a self-study training pack that can be completed at their own pace or professors may choose to incorporate the modules into their lesson plans. We recommend that students review all modules to derive the maximum benefit from the course, however students should pay particular attention to the AdWords Fundamentals and the campaign type they have chosen to take the exam for, if opting into the optional AdWords Certification category of the competition.

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