Hair & Beauty Magazine

Soul Sunday | Love Your Tresses | D.I.Y

By Khaddu @LilMPerfect
Hello my munchkins,
How are u all doing  ?
So , this Sunday I bring to you a simple hair treatment . Am sure your hair is going to just love it :)
As you know it is very important to deep condition your hair at least once a week . So this week that is exactly what I did !
For this deep conditioning treatment I used the awesome benefits of the very versatile Mustard Oil .
Mustard oil is a strong natural oil that helps in achieving strong , beautiful , soft and shiny hair . The mustard seeds that mustard oil is derived from is rich in vitamin and nutrients that promote healthy hair .
Mustard oil is rich in Vitamin A and E . It contains proteins , calcium , fatty acids and antioxidants.The fatty acids help in conditioning the hair . Its a good stimulant for hair growth because of its ability to increase blood circulation . The vitamin A protects the hair follicle and thus helps the hair growth in a big way .  
Mustard oil is also rich in selenium and zinc . The lack of these two nutrients can lead to hair loss . Thus using mustard oil provides your hair with these much needed elements for your hair . As its a stimulator , it promotes a healthy scalp and triggers growth of hair .
Soul Sunday | Love your tresses | D.I.Y
Now lets go ahead and see what we need for this treatment .
Well , you will need : 
  • Mustard oil ...duh . Take oil depending on the length of your hair !
  • Microwave oven or stove 
  • Comb or hair brush 
  • Shower cap
  • Hair Dryer 
  • Scented Shampoo 
  • Regular conditioner 
 Steps : 
  1. Comb out your hair well , ensuring there are no knots and tangles.
  2. Take the required amount of the mustard oil into a oven proof bowl and heat it . Just slightly heat for maybe 30 seconds . If you don't have a microwave oven , just take it in a bowl and heat it over the stove , Remember to not over heat it to the point that it starts smoking !! You don't want to fry your head do you ?
  3. Part your combed hair in the center to get two parts .
  4. Apply the oil between your palms and then onto your hair , taking each partition in turns .
  5. While applying make sure to massage to scalp firmly yet ever so gently .
  6. If you have a massager or a fine toothed comb at your disposal you can go ahead and massage your scalp with these .
  7. Once all of the hair is oiled and your scalp is massaged , put on a shower cap .
  8. Use a hair dryer on your hair for about 10-12 minutes to seal the heat in .
  9. You can leave your hair like this for about an hour , If its possible you can leave the oil on overnight as well .
  10. Because mustard oil has a strong smell , its best to use a scented shampoo to wash off your hair.
  11. Use your regular conditioner after shampoo and then rinse of with a blast of cold water. 
This should leave your hair soft and shiny . Doing this treatment about twice a week will help your hair grow out stronger and thicker . While mustard oil is easily available in India , in your country you can look for it in a local Indian store . Am sure these stores stock up on them .I hope this treatment will give you soft luscious hair which you will keep touching all day long ! :) Have a happy Sunday ! Cheers Khaddu XOXOX
This post is an entry for StyleCraze “Share Your Knowledge” contest on
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