Arts & Crafts Magazine

Something for the Weekend...

By Lakota @FHCShopping
Hope everyone's having a good weekend - perhaps you've been to a friend's BBQ like I did, or maybe you're planning to get out in the fresh air, do a bit of hill walking? It can get chilly out there this late in the year though, so do make sure you've got all the right gear. Luckily for you, during my recent blogging hiatus I came across the perfect item to keep you warm and cosy. And erm, individual.
 This Bas Kosters hiking jacket boasts a Cath K style polka dot lining, and is in a complexion flattering shade of...flesh. And...HOLY ASSORTED GENITALIA BATMAN, WTF is that pattern?!  Aah, yes - that would the penises. It's important that the rescue helicopter sees you clinging to the rock-face after all.
Something for the Weekend...The penis jacket - guaranteed to get you a park bench all to yourself 339 Euros. A snip
Also available as a lovely silk scarf. Maybe not for the school gates though.
Something for the Weekend...
 You're WELCOME.
Lakota x
PS. Thank you to those who emailed me concerned about my disappearance, I appreciate it. But I'm back, and on fine and upstanding form ;-)

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