Religion Magazine

Soldiers Abandon Ship at Rabin's Grave

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
According to a news report on Behadrei and Srugim, 4 religious soldiers from a hesder unit in basic training were in a group on a trip visiting Har Herzl. During the trip one of the visits was to the grave of PM Yitzchak Rabin. The boys refused to visit the grave, for ideological reasons, and after being warned that they are due to receive a punishment for refusing orders they doubled down and escaped from the army base.
Soldiers need to know they are in the army, not in free society. Soldiers do not get to choose what they do and what they do not do. As long as they are not being given illegal or immoral orders, they need to be disciplined and follow orders. That is Army 101. An army cannot function without army discipline and a lot of what soldiers go through during basic training is to teach them the discipline required for military success.
So, if the army wants the group to visit a series of graves, you go even if you don't like one of them. Dont say tehillim on his grave or put a stone or whatever, linger in the back of the group, but go.
If the army was taking them to a series of graves of dead prime ministers and heroic soldiers, then go to them all, even Rabin's. However, and I don't know what graves the group was visiting, if the army is taking the group specifically to Rabin's grave to indoctrinate them in something, then I can understand their skipping out. The army needs to train the soldiers to fight and fulfill their various roles, not to teach them ideology or to decide who needs to be admired and who not.
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