Lifestyle Magazine

Soap & Glory Supercat Eyeliner | First Impressions

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
Soap & Glory Supercat Eyeliner | First ImpressionsSoap & Glory Supercat Eyeliner | First ImpressionsSoap & Glory Supercat Eyeliner | First ImpressionsSoap & Glory Supercat Eyeliner | First ImpressionsSoap & Glory Supercat Liquid Eyeliner : £6 from Boots.
I've been needing a new liquid eyeliner for quite awhile now as my faithful Rimmel one had finally run out so I saved up my Boots card points and hurried off into town in search of something new to try. I've heard a lot of positive reviews around the Supercat liquid eyeliner from Soap & Glory, so much so that I think it's now being classed as a 'cult product'. It seems as if the world and his wife loves it. 
I tried it the minute I got into work, scurrying off to the loos to eagerly see how it would look - pretty class eh? Now I'm a complete failure when it comes to eyeliner of any kind, nine times out of ten I just end up looking like a panda, but for once I actually achived my desired look of an actual human being! - silent cheers all round! This product is incredibly easy to use as the felt tip nib is so big that it's literally like drawing with a sharpie, you're just drawing on your eyelid. I also like how it drys fairy quickly so that I'd doesn't go and smudge everywhere the second you blink (the number of times that's happened isn't even funny!) I'm defiantly impressed with what I've seen so far and I think that Soap & Glory have certainly found a winning product in my book, it just proves that sometimes the most expensive product isn't always the best. 

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