Gardening Magazine

Six on Saturday 31/10/2020

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

At about 2pm this afternoon we had blue skies and sunshine, very welcome after a wet week. I took advantage of this, donned my wellies and headed up to the allotment. It was, as I expected, very wet but a joy to be there. It also gave me something to show in my Six on Saturday.

1. Garlic & Onion bed

Six on Saturday 31/10/2020

I planted out garlic ‘germidour’ several weeks ago and they have all sprouted which is good to see. The red onion sets, started off in cells in my cold frame, were ready to go out into the same bed, so that was my job for today. It was a bit like making mud pies but they are all in and covered to prevent the birds from pecking at them.

2. Broad Beans

Six on Saturday 31/10/2020

The Broad beans ‘Aquadulce’ plants are being nibbled a bit but looking healthy and strong. The allotment is very exposed so I made a windbreak whigh I hope will stand the test of time.

3. Allotment Garden – Foxgloves

Six on Saturday 31/10/2020

Earlier this year a neighbor gave me some very small foxglove seedlings. I planted them in my allotment garden and they are clearly going to be very large plants!

4. Allotment Garden – Dahlia ‘Break Out’

Six on Saturday 31/10/2020

Dahlias are such good value at this time of the year and hanging on for dear life until the first frosts. I love this photograph, not only does it capture the true color of ‘Break Out’, it will be a reminder of beautiful blue skies on a wet winter day.

5. Allotment Garden – Gaura ‘The Bride’

Six on Saturday 31/10/2020

The Gaura is still flowering and the stems are turning a lovely red before it finally dies down for the winter. I had two last year and only one made it through last winter. I’m not sure I treated them any different so don’t know why one died. Fingers crossed this one gets through to 2021.

6. Allotment Garden – Rose ‘White Shade of Pale’

Six on Saturday 31/10/2020

Totally undeterred it is November tomorrow, ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’ is covered with buds and looking gorgeous.

Thank you The Propagator for hosting this weekly meme. Please visit his blog where you will find his and very many contributors to Six on Saturday.

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