Books Magazine

Simply Yummalicious!

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

Many of you know I have another blog called Wicked Green Smoothies where I talk about green smoothies and other healthy treats. I’ve started down this path with some detours but keep getting back on it. With that said I wanted to share a new greek yogurt I discovered. If you’ve already known about this, go ahead and roll your eyes – I am a bit of a laggard sometimes -grin

Have you tried Muller greek yogurt? I picked up the Blackberry & Raspberry flavor and let me tell you it was fantastic.

Blackberry & Raspberry

Creamy and dreamy, lowfat Greek-style yogurt and a side of luscious blackberries and raspberries. Because you should never have to choose when it comes to berries.



P.S. If you haven’t stopped by Wicked Green Smoothies, come on over and say hello. -waves

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