Books Magazine

Silent House Review

By Eriktiger @eriktiger

Silent House review
I have been seeing commercials for the past several weeks and couldn’t resist going to check Silent House out today. Apparently I was pretty much alone in desire as there were only 6 other people in the theater with me. Good thing about that is I had plenty of room to spread out and arrange my over-priced popcorn and pop.

The premise of the movie is this movie is up at her house from childhood with her father and uncle. They are clearing it out and getting ready to put it up on the market. Things get weird. Things get odd. Things get stupid. It ends.

What was good? The main character played by Elizabeth Olsen. She is worth the price of admission just to watch her. The other positive was the camera work. Amazing, up close camera angles that really set the mood and drew you into her experience…really contributed to keeping the action moving and the pulse racing.

It was a very good movie for the first 25 minutes or so of the 88 minute experience.

Then it was a major let down. Maybe my opinion is shadowed by the fact that I thought I was going to see a horror movie. I guess that was my fault, I should have read the fine print. None of the plot points added up or made sense. The movie was predictable and they did nothing new when they made this one.

I don’t normally rate movies, but if that were something I was into, I would give Silent House two stars….wait to see it on Netflix.

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