Family Magazine

Sick Day

By Ofanselm @ofanselm
A stomach bug AND cold have both been ravaging our household this week. I'm just getting over the bug and have passed it onto my husband, who left for work this morning and came right back a half hour later.
If you ask me, a stomach bug is the perfect opportunity to share some fun things found around the web while bed-browsing! I can't promise they are all new, but they're new to me, and maybe new to you lovely people too:
  • I discovered the Besotted blog yesterday! This seems like the sort of thing you guys all knew about and just neglected to tell me. Anyway, what's done is done, and it is now on my reader - categorized under "daily reads" no less! A little digging uncovered an amazing Blush + Gray Photoshop action graciously offered gratis by the dear Tristan. I cannot wait to take the perfect photo to try out on - I'm thinking a couple newborn shots of our little girl.
  • I also discovered Wit & Whistle - another blog I kick myself for not having known about before now. The very talented Amanda posted an amazing gouache practice she did last week. I'm'onna be honest, I had no idea what that was. But I've since googled it - and even listened to the pronunciation key, so I know what I'm talking about now.
  • Bekuh over at Secondhand Sundays shares a great tutorial for making a jewelry box from trash! This provides the perfect opportunity for me to eat more brie (as if I really need an excuse). Seriously gonna start making these for gifting jewelry pieces to friends!
  • I am just loving reading about Nicole's sweet life through her blog The Neesby Lookbook. So happy I've been able to get to know these girls a bit through our corners of the web :)

I hope your part of the world has been relatively illness-free! By the by, got any good tips for regaining energy after a bug has already left? I'm downing water and chlorophyll like crazy, and thankfully it's in the 70s (!!!) today, so you'd better believe we're keeping the windows open to get rid of the dread sick house feel.
Sick Day

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