Arts & Crafts Magazine

Show & Tell - One, Two, Toucan!

By Leonied
Hi everyone!
Show & Tell Thursday's
How're thing ticking along in your worlds? A couple of weeks ago I Finally did something with my Toucan block. Nothing mind-bending but you know - it's complete! A wee cushion to accompany the book as a birthday gift for a little boy. He's such a happy character that Toucan isn't he?
Show & Tell - One, Two, Toucan!
The completed test block has been sitting here for a while and I was pretty certain it would become a cushion cover to team up with the book. But it just didn't move up the to-do list very quickly. Then one evening I found my hands at a loose end and got cracking on hand-quilting around the little guy.
Show & Tell - One, Two, Toucan!
As soon as he was quilted, he got the border, the back, a cushion popped in and boom! Done! And ready for a new home :)
Show & Tell - One, Two, Toucan!
I so love finishing projects - Sticking it out through the not so fascinating, almost at the end parts just to reach that golden finished moment....ahhhh! What about you? Do you like to finish and finish it now or you know, whenevs?
Thanks for popping along today lovelies - looking forward to hearing from and seeing what you've been up to!
L xx
Show & Tell Thursday's

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