Fashion Magazine

Seven Deadly Sins {Link Up}

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

To celebrate this Halloween season, I’ve decided to link-up with Shane, who came up with the brilliant idea to share Seven Deadly Sins.  I adore Halloween, dressing up (have never repeated a costume…see here for last year’s), pumpkin carving, and most importantly…candy corn.

Seven Deadly Sins {Link Up}


Seven Great Things In Your Life

1.  My amazing family including my fantastic husband, adorable baby boy, and my incredibly supportive extended family on both sides as well as in-laws.  We are so blessed.

2.  My phenomenal circle of friends that I have made throughout my life starting in childhood, and moving through middle school, high school, college, post-college in Maryland, Dewey Beach, New York City, and now in my neighborhood of Brooklyn.

3.  This blog as my creative outlet.  It’s a place to vent, a place to share, a place to (hopefully) inspire, and also a place to document my life, my fashion, my adventures, my friends, and my family.

4.  My apartment.  We are lucky to have a spacious apartment complete with parking, outdoor space, a garden, a grill, washer/dryer (practically unheard of in NYC), dishwasher, and wonderful neighbors…all for an extremely reasonable cost…and all within the incredible city of New York.

5.  Speaking of NYC…I love my city and the fact that we have pretty much anything we could ask for at our fingertips…beautiful parks, museums, art, culture, a melting pot of people from all walks of life, delicious food, shopping, fashion, and even the beach.

6.  My job.  I am so thankful to have a job that I enjoy, wonderful coworkers who are fun to be around, and the stability that it offers to help provide for my family.  And the fact that I am being fully supported while on maternity leave.

7.  Soccer.  While I haven’t been able to play in quite some time due to my little monkey…soccer has always played an important role in my life.  It’s my favorite way to work out and de-stress, because I can run around without thinking about how tired I am every 5 seconds.  I am excited to hopefully get back on the field again soon.



Seven Things You Lack And Covet

1.  I know I said I loved my apartment…and I do.  But I secretly covet the adorable Victorian mansions in my neighborhood, and it’s my goal to buy and renovate one of them one day.

2.  A bank account that has no end.  Okay, so maybe that doesn’t exist…so maybe just a bank account that has more money than mine does haha.

3.  No matter how much shopping I do, I can’t seem to have enough delectable fashion in my closet!

4.  Time.  The days go by so quickly!  It feels like there is never enough time to do anything.

5.  The creativity and skills to draw and paint.  We went to an artist’s open house over the weekend, and the artists were so skilled and talented.  I can barely draw a stick figure.

6.  The ability to let things go.  I am super stubborn and must win every argument.  Or at least get the last word.  I should have been a lawyer…

7.  Ultimate confidence.  There are things I wish I could have/should have done in life, but ultimately didn’t have enough confidence to pull it off.  I envy those who do everything they put their mind to.



Seven Things That Make You Angry

1.  People who stop walking in the middle of the sidewalk.  I don’t care if you are a tourist.  MOVE OVER to the side to figure out where you are going, and stop blocking everyone from walking.

2.  The fact that I practically have to stand on my tippy toes to reach the upper hand bar on the subway.  One stop and I’m already exhausted from holding on.  Don’t they know that not everyone is so tall?

3.  Liars.  The truth will always come back to bite you, so you may as well just be honest.

4.  The fact that America is one of the few countries in the world that doesn’t give a shit about parental leave after having a baby.  Don’t believe me?  See here.

5.  Bad drivers.  I’ve seen my fair share in Brooklyn (seriously, stop honking your horn for no reason), Maryland (oh my God, it’s raining! Let’s all forget how to drive!), and in Boston (I mean, they just breed straight up maniac drivers), and they all know how to ignite my road rage.

6.  Religious wars.  I mean, to me that just sounds like an oxymoron…

7.  People that are ignorant or close-minded.  There’s a whole world out there people, and (gasp!) everyone may not be like you.



Seven Things That You Neglect To Do

1.  Floss.  I will do it for about a week after I go to the dentist, and then it gets forgotten again.

2.  Iron my clothes.  I hate ironing.  I’m not really sure why…maybe it’s because I end up putting more wrinkles in them than they started with.

3.  Clean.  Don’t get my wrong, I am tidy.  I am good at straightening up.  But ever since I got pregnant, and it became a huge burden to get on my hands and knees and scrub anything, and the cleaning got totally neglected.  I haven’t exactly had much time since the baby was born either.  I admit, we have been paying someone to come in and clean every few weeks these days.

4.  Change the filter in the Brita.  It should probably happen a few times a year I’m thinking, but it very rarely gets done.

5.  Wash my car.  I mean…it’s just going to get dirty again!

6.  Cook dinner every night.  Luckily, my husband enjoys cooking!

7.  Tweeze/Wax my eyebrows.  Yeah, I can’t tell you the last time I did that.



Seven Worldly Material Desires

1.  A Chanel bag.  What girl doesn’t want Chanel?

2.  My dream house.  With dual staircases.

3.  Weekly manicures.  It takes forever to dry when I do them myself.

4.  Unlimited airline tickets to travel the world.  There are oh so many places I long to go.

5.  Louboutins.  See above re: Chanel bag.

6.  A Canon 5D III.  One day, when I really know what I’m doing, I will splurge on this.

7.  Sparkly jewelry…preferably diamonds.



Seven Guilty Pleasures

1.  Ice Cream.  Can’t get enough of it.

2.  Reality TV.  I watch waaayyyy too much of it.  Especially the Real Housewives.

3.  Singing in the Shower

4.  Picking my skin when it’s peeling…I know, it’s disgusting.

5.  Chick lit.  Sometimes we all need a good beach read.

6.  Hitting the snooze button

7.  Online shopping.



Seven Things You Love About Love

1.  The way it sweeps you off your feet.

2.  Those little butterflies during a budding romance.

3.  Having someone that you can completely trust, be open and honest with, and tell them anything without judgment.

4.  Knowing there will be someone there to support you through both good and bad times.

5.  Not having to hold your farts in anymore.

6.  Cuddling/Snuggles

7.  The passion

Well, now you’ve definitely gotten a deeper look into me, and it was fun linking up with Shane this Halloween season.  If you’d like to link up, you can do so here!

Hope you all enjoy any Halloween parties that you may have planned for this weekend.  We have one in the neighborhood, and can’t wait to dress up our little one!



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