Hair & Beauty Magazine

Settling Back into Reality

By Misssarahlouise
Settling Back into Reality
As some of you may know from my last post I spent the last weeks of February in South Africa, click here to learn more about what I did while I was out there.
Now I know 2 weeks isn't that long, however I have never known such a jam packed 2 weeks in all of my life. We did SO much and it was so exhausting but every second was worth it. Now I have come back home, and had time to sit down and reflect, I have realised what a life changing experience it has all been. 
To make the trip happen I did a lot of fundraising and spent a lot of time planning the trip with fellow team members. The project as a whole has changed my outlook on life completley, and of course it's for the better. I really have learnt that there is more to life than money. Its really made me see how materialistic and needy we all are. Being in the beauty industry myself, I can be needy at times, when it comes to makeup and pampering myself however I have realised there is no need to buy things I don't need, and constantly want the next best thing, because life is simply too short to be wanting what we can't have. 
I have also learnt to stop worrying over things that I can't control. In many parts of South Africa money only means food, and as long as they have food in their tummies they are happy. I have never met such welcoming people and at times it was hard to believe that poverty surrounds them. I really could write a book about what I've learnt however the one message I want to tell you all is, don't worry. Life is too short to worry about the what ifs and wants. If you have food in your belly and a roof over your head then you have every reason to be happy. 
I apologize for how lazy I have been with posts lately. I will be back on a beauty blogging roll as soon as!
Settling Back into Reality

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