Society Magazine

Self Help Workshops Coming…

Posted on the 18 January 2013 by Firecareers

The 2013 Firefighter recruitment season has begun. Already some of the big hitters have taken applications. Most notability Los Angeles City Fire just closed their application period. They are looking to hire some 350-400 firefighters a.s.a.p. More openings are expected during the list and this could be one of the largest recruitments in LAFD history.

We are seeing more firefighters graduating academies all across the Country. Today Madison Fire, graduated 20 new firefighters into their ranks of the fire department.

I am always advocating education and training as the backbone of being a successful candidate. Other self-help programs are also available to you. These are Workshops, seminars, and other training programs offered by industry leaders can give you a real leg up during the recruitment process.

Here are three pending programs:
FireCareers Firefighter Workshop – Hosted by – January 27, 2013 in Ventura, Ca.

2013 Firefighter Workshop – Hosted by – February 24, 2013 in Livermore, Ca.

Oral Board Preparation Seminar – Hosted by – April 8, 2013 in San Ramon, Ca.

Three programs to help you reach your optimum potential in being successful in your pursuit of a badge. Attend any of these programs and get real insight to the process and learn from others who do the recruitments and sit on oral boards what they are looking for.

Good luck to you, and I hope to see you at one of these events. Craig

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