Fashion Magazine

Seeing Santa

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas



Nico’s Santa Outfit: Cherokee for Target – on sale!

We were FINALLY able to see Santa last night!  I had been trying to make it there for the past couple weeks, but things were just not working out for us.  The first week, lack of sleep was an obstacle, and on Saturday, the snow and ice was a major obstacle.  However, the Notes family was bound and determined to see good old Kris Kringle this holiday season.  How could I look Nico in the eye when he got older and tell him I never got a picture of him with Santa on his 1st Christmas?  So this time, we headed into the city via subway (also Nico’s 1st ride) to Bloomingdale’s for a lovely experience.  They handed out cookies in line, allowed you to take your own free pictures, and offered professional photography as well.  I would definitely go back again next year.  Not only was this Nico’s 1st visit to Santa Claus, but it was also Daddy’s!  Despite all the craziness of not being able to get to Santa earlier, this day definitely made up for it all.

Oh, and by the way…the winner of the Goodnight Zoo giveaway is Kimberley.  Congratulations!  I will be in touch soon with details on how to claim your prize.




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