Gardening Magazine

Season's Greetings

By Mwillis
I don't expect to be doing much blogging in the next couple of weeks, so I just want to take this opportunity to send best wishes to all my readers, especially my loyal band of Followers. I hope you all have a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas. Jane and I will be spending much of the time surrounded by our family, and I expect many of you will be doing the same. I'm especially looking forward to seeing our new grandson, Owen. He was born in August, but I haven't met him yet.
I know that most of you have come to expect a post from me practically every day, but I think for the next two weeks or so I'll only be posting occasionally. This photo will explain part of the reason for this!
Season's Greetings
That's my Sloe Gin, decanted at the weekend. It is quite pale this year, but it has a lovely strong plum-like flavor. For me this is a very seasonal drink. We only have it at Christmas, but Christmas just wouldn't be the same without Sloe Gin.
So, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
Best wishes from

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