Politics Magazine

Scott Walker Says Reagan Ended the Cold War By Busting Unions

Posted on the 26 March 2014 by Calvinthedog


Crazy? Of course it’s crazy! If there’s a Republican talking, it’s bound to be crazy. This latest is from Scott Walker, a truly horrific governor who tried to destroy all public employee unions in the state and then imposed mass austerity on the people of Wisconsin all while handing out massive tax cuts for millionaires and corporations. What is stunning is that he did all this shit, and then he actually won an election! Huh? What are you thinking, Wisconsin?

So let’s see. Reagan set about busting unions – one of his first act was to destroy the Air Traffic Controllers Union – and by doing this, he ended the Cold War and defeated Communism.

So by destroying US unions, Reagan defeated the USSR. How does that make sense. Well, it does make sense, but it only makes sense if you are insane. This is how it works:

Republicans are so insane that they actually believe that trade unionism is Communism! Yep, they think that all unions are Communist groupings, and all union members are Communists. So Reagan first of all attacked the domestic Communists (the unionists) and took them out, and then he went after the foreign Commies and took them out. The road to the Kremlin began in the headquarters of the American fellow travelers, the Teamster’s Union.

It never fails to amaze me what sort of bullshit Republicans believe. There seems to be few limits on their nuttiness.

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