Hair & Beauty Magazine

Say ‘NO’ to Facial Spots with These Easy-Peasy Tips and Tricks

By Rishiraj @beautyglimpseIn

Oh, those stubborn facial spots! The more you try to drive them away, the more they come back. But worry not. Here are some easy-peasy tips and tricks that would help you put a stop to this problem. Permanently. Just check them out:

Say ‘NO’ to Facial Spots with These Easy-Peasy Tips and Tricks

Tips for Washing Face

  • Always use lukewarm water to rinse your face. It will open up your clogged pores and prevent acne, pimples and other breakouts to form, thereby reducing the chances of developing ugly spots.
  • Never use anything else than your hands for washing your face. If you scrub it with a sponge or flannel, you will end up worsening the situation as these items are harsh to our skin and hold lots of bacteria too.
  • If you are unable to use your hands for certain reasons, simply use a face pad to apply cleanser to your skin rather than using it directly. Just pour the required amount onto the pad and move it in small circles.
  • When it comes to exfoliating an acne-prone skin, nothing works better than a good facial foam or scrub containing pure tea tree essential oil. Make sure that you gently rub your skin with your fingertips in small circular motion, while applying it.
  • Try not to over-wash or over-exfoliate your face as it can irritate your skin and make the breakouts leave stubborn spots.

Also Read – 6 Best Creams Available in India for Treating Dark Spots Here

Tips for Post-Wash Care

  • Do not rub your face with a towel made of abrasive material right after rinsing. It is always recommended that you take an absorbent paper towel or a soft piece of cloth and pat dry the skin gently.
  • Using a facial toner is mandatory for keeping the skin free of blemishes and spots. Pour a little onto a face pad and apply all over your face by following a circular motion.
  • Once you are done with toning, apply a light moisturizer to your face in order to prevent drying.

Eating Tips for a Clear Skin

  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water every day. It will flush out all sorts of toxins and impurities from your body so that you can get lesser breakouts and develop fewer spots only.
  • Eat plenty of green fruits and veggies. Being rich in antioxidants, they will help your skin fight against free radicals, thereby decreasing spots and pigmentation.
  • Try to include 2 to 3 cups of green tea in your daily diet. Its antioxidant content will give you excellent results in preventing acne and reducing blemishes.

Drink Water to Avoid Skin Spots

Also Read – 12 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Age Spots Here

General Tips to Follow for a Clear Skin

  • Go for natural skin care products or at least the ones, which are not loaded with harmful chemicals, coloring agents and perfumes. It will help you avoid allergies and skin sensitivity, which may result into pesky spots.
  • Use mineral makeup products. They are highly effective in controlling breakouts.
  • Always perform a patch test before applying a new product thoroughly to your skin. If it gives you rashes or any other similar symptom, simply switch to a suitable alternative.
  • Never ever try to pick or squeeze your breakouts. It will give you scars and sometimes may even lead to serious infections.

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