Hair & Beauty Magazine

Saving With the Money Pot

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink

Hellooo shimmers
I love money pots. They are a fantastic way to save, You can't take the money out until its full and then you smash it open. It stops the temptationof taking the money out the pot because once its in its in.
Saving money can be difficult but the use of a money pot could be really beneficial for you. The come with different slogans on them depending on what you are saving for. I am saving monry for university. So that when i go to university i can buy clothes and food and other nice bits and bobs that i not really a spending spree but i will be spending it!!
Saving With the Money Pot

Spending Spree Money Pot

  The shape is really cool. Its like a christmas bauble. With a really cute design.

Saving With the Money Pot

Put Your Pennies In

There is plenty of room to fit both coins and notes into the pot. Keep it somewhere you can see it so you remember to place any spare coins into it.

Saving With the Money Pot

"A Pot To Help You Save Your Pennies, Pounds and More. So You Can Buy All The Things You Really Adore!"

I love how it has a little passage to help inspire you to save. This one has a really cute message which i am loving and does make me feel like i really do want to save.These are great to give as a present to a friend or family member as everyone needs to save for something. Although i havent quite filled it where near but i really don't want to have to smash it when it is filled :(Everyone needs a money pot so i advise you all to get one NOW!!! Laura xx

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