Gardening Magazine

Saturday on Plot 24a

By Chrryblossomtat2
Exhaustion as truly hit home this week; every couple of hours of each day I have had to take a nap, just in order to keep going. These periods come every now and then and though I do get frustrated and maybe a little scared, I know it won't last much longer. Giving in and feeling lazy are not my style but it's what my body needs.
Now any remarks on my birthday coming up and that this is all down to age and ...I shall look for you, I shall find you, and I shall slap your face with a wet lettuce leaf!
This is maybe part of the reason why I am so very tired this week - the hard work we pushed into a few hours at the allotment on Saturday last.
My work -
* Cut grass with push mower
Saturday on plot 24a
* Weed leek bed, general bad spots on plot and the back bed (scary)
Saturday on plot 24a
* tie back flowers and try to deadhead whilst being sniffed by bees
Saturday on plot 24a
Andrew's work -
* rip out the second batch of broad beans now they are finished and get all last remaining beans off those plants, including seeds for next year :)
Saturday on plot 24a
* plant out more broccoli under netting moved across from older settled in broccoli plants :)
Saturday on plot 24a
* deal with bolted lettuces and spinach (which was a non-bolting variety!) It's my personal opinion that lettuces need to be in the back garden = easier access and used all the time.
Saturday on plot 24a
Please do enjoy the other beauties in that bed (and further up plot). Everything has done well in 24a so far.. Only bad thing about it is us! We arent harvesting as we should and eating/sharing/storing! Ooops
Saturday on plot 24aSweetcorn tassels; Kohl rabi; courgettes and flower; Autumn raspberry; Rudbeckia.
Love and HugsCarrie

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